APS-7000 Series Programmable Linear AC Power Sources
  • 4.3-inch TFT-LCD
  • Output capacity : APS-7050(500VA、310Vrms、4.2Arms);APS-7100 (1000VA、310Vrms、8.4Arms);APS-7200(2000VA、310Vrms、16.8Arms);APS-7300 (3000VA、310Vrms、25.2Arms);Output augmentation by options (0~600Vrms/45~999.9Hz)
  • Low Ripple & Noise
  • Measurement and test functions include VOLT、CURR、PWR、SVA、IPK、IPKH、FREQ、PF、CF
  • Support a small AC current measurement 2mA ~ 35A, Min. resolution 0.01mA(APS- 7050& APS-7100)
  • Reverse Current Alarm Function
  • 10 sets of Sequence function to Edit Output Waveforms/ 10 sets of simulate mode to Rapidly Simulate Transient Power Supply/ 10 sets of Program mode to Define Measurement Sequence/ 10 sets of Panel Memory Function
  • Automatic Execution of Sequence、Simulate、Program mode and Output Function when the Power is on
  • Standard Interfaces: LAN, USB Host, USB Device (APS-7200 and APS-7300 models only)
  • Optional Interfaces: GPIB (APS-001);RS-232 / USB CDC(APS-002 for APS-7050& APS-7100 only);RS-232(APS-007 for APS-7200& APS-7300 only)

GWInstek introduces APS-7000 series programmable AC power sources, which consists of 500VA of APS-7050, 1000VA of APS-7100, 2000VA of APS-7200 and 3000VA of APS-7300. APS-7000 series features power characteristics from its linear structure design including low noise, low THD, and highly stabilized power output that are ideal for the product development and verification of input power with low noise requirement or stereo, video and audio device applications, etc. The maximum rated voltage is 0~ 310Vrms, 25.2Arms, 100.8A peak current and the output frequency range is 45~500.0Hz. Users can conveniently augment the output voltage from 0Vrms to 600Vrms and output frequency from 45Hz to 999.9Hz by purchasing options without sending equipment back to GW Instek.

One of the popular alternative energy solutions in the market is to utilize inverter to convert DC to AC and the converted AC is then sent to power grid or products require electricity. For instance, AC produced by PV inverter is sent to power grid or equipment requires electricity. While simulating power grid to verify inverter connecting with power grid, general AC power sources cannot withstand DUT's feedback energy, hence, additional power consumption resistors are needed to prevent AC power source from being damaged. On the contrary, APS-7000 series has the characteristic of absorbing reverse current so that additional power consumption resistors are not required. The input terminal of APS-7000 series is designed to isolate from the simulated AC power grid output terminal, therefore, users do not need an additional isolation device to protect DUT.

APS-7000 series is suitable for simulating power grid and conducting inverter output characteristic tests, including synchronized phase and frequency. Reverse current and power detected by APS-7000 series will be displayed in red readings to facilitate user's test observation. APS-7000
series utilizes Simulate mode and Sequence mode to provide a single step or consecutive power changes; and to simulate power grid's Voltage Abnormality Test and Frequency Abnormality Test.

More details, please follow APS-7000 series brochure.


01 gw_product_detail_bar.png Simulated Mode

This mode can rapidly produce different simulated input transient waveforms such as power outage; voltage rise and voltage fall etc. for engineers to evaluate the impact on DUT posed by the transient phenomena. For instance, capacitor endurance test.

  • Power Outage
  • Voltage Rise
  • Voltage Fall
02 gw_product_detail_bar.png Program Mode

This mode allows users to set ceiling and floor specifications to produce PASS/FAIL result after the measurement is done. It can also show test results for each test procedure or only show the last result. There are ten sets of Program mode and each set has 50 sets of memories. Each memory comprises 9 steps. Each Program will perform according to memories sequence, self-defined loops or designated steps to stop.

Program Mode

03 gw_product_detail_bar.png Function Waveform (ARB ) Mode

Provide waveforms in seven categories and 20,000 waveform combinations so as to rapidly simulate distorted AC voltage waveforms.


Sine waveform

Sine waveform
Standard AC Waveform


Triangle waveform

Triangle waveform
Power harmonic output simulation is triangle waveform


Staircase waveform

Staircase waveform
Simulate square waveform and staircase waveform for commercial UPS


Clipped sinewave

Clipped sinewave
Simulate grid power supply heavy load waveform


Crest factor waveform

Crest factor waveform
Simulate rectified filter current waveform by capacitor input


Surge waveform

Surge waveform
Simulate grid power supply’s peak over-voltage


Fourier series synthesized waveform

Fourier series synthesized waveform
Simulate real output power waveform. Distorted power waveform is produced due to output impedance and non-linear effect such as inductance, capacitance, and parasitic capacitance effect. For example: motor.



04 gw_product_detail_bar.png Surge/Dip Control

Overlapping a Surge/Dip voltage on a normal voltage as the input power for DUT allows users to simulate Surge/Dip situation and evaluate DUT characteristics.


05 gw_product_detail_bar.png T Ipeak, hold function

T, Ipk Hold sets delay time (1ms~60 seconds) for measurement after the output of Ipeak value and the maximum value will be retrieved. Update will be preceded only if measured value is greater than the original value. Ipk Hold is for measuring transient inrush current as soon as the equipment power is on that is usually done by oscilloscope and current probe. T, Ipk Hold delay time setting can be applied to measure inrush current of sequentially activated DUT.

Ipeak Measurement

06 gw_product_detail_bar.png Control Panel Characteristics
There are two control panel modes: Standard mode and Simple mode. Both modes are shown as below. Standard mode combines settings and AC Power Meter measurement window display. Users apply Function key (F1~F3) to select required measurement items. There are nine items for selection. Simple mode shows all measurement items on the display.
 19  20
 Standard Mode Simple Mode 
CD ROM(User Manual, Programming Manual for APS-7000) x 1,
Power Cord(Region Dependent), GTL-123 Test Lead
Optional Accessories

APS-001 GPIB interface card
APS-002 RS-232 / USB interface (APS-7050, APS-7100)
APS-007 RS-232 interface card(APS-7200, APS-7300)
APS-003 Output Voltage Capacity (0~600Vrms)
APS-004 Output Frequency Capacity (45~999.9Hz)

GRA-423 APS-7050, APS-7100 rack mount kit
GRA-429 APS-7200 rack mount kit
GRA-430 APS-7300 rack mount kit

APS-7050 500VA Programmable AC Power Source
APS-7050 500VA Programmable AC Power Source$2607 Where to buy
APS-7100 1000VA Programmable AC Power Source
APS-7100 1000VA Programmable AC Power Source3,465 Where to buy
APS-7200 2000VA Programmable AC Power Source
APS-7200 2000VA Programmable AC Power Source Where to buy
APS-7300 3000VA Programmable AC Power Source
APS-7300 3000VA Programmable AC Power Source Where to buy
APS-001 GPIB interface card
APS-001 GPIB interface card$262 Where to buy
APS-002 RS-232 / USB interface card
APS-002 RS-232 / USB interface card$105 Where to buy
APS-003 Output Voltage Capacity (0~600Vrms)
APS-003 Output Voltage Capacity (0~600Vrms)$315 Where to buy
APS-004 Output Frequency Capacity (45~999.9Hz)
APS-004 Output Frequency Capacity (45~999.9Hz)$315 Where to buy
GRA-423 APS-7000 rack mount kit
GRA-423 APS-7000 rack mount kit Where to buy
User Manual
The user manual of APS-7000 Series
User Manual versionM.,EN 8.52 MB DOWNLOAD
Assembly Manual
The Rack Adapter assembly manual of GRA-430 (for APS-7300)
Assembly Manual version.,EN 1.52 MB DOWNLOAD
Assembly Manual
The Rack Adapter assembly manual of GRA-429 (for APS-7200)
Assembly Manual version.,EN 1.50 MB DOWNLOAD
Assembly Manual
The Rack Adapter assembly manual of GRA-423 (for APS-7050/7100/7000E)
Assembly Manual version.,EN 298 KB DOWNLOAD
White Paper
AC/DC Dual Purpose Power Supply Application
White Paper version.,EN 【Member Only】 1.77 MB DOWNLOAD
3D Model
GRA-429 RACK 3D DIME. (for APS-7200)
3D Model version., 【Member Only】 4.25 MB DOWNLOAD
3D Model
GRA-430 RACK 3D DIME. (for APS-7300)
3D Model version., 【Member Only】 4.32 MB DOWNLOAD
2D Drawing
GRA-429 RACK 2D DIME. (for APS-7200)
2D Drawing version., 【Member Only】 799 kB DOWNLOAD
3D Model
GRA-423 RACK 3D DIME. (for APS-7050/7100/7000E)
3D Model version., 【Member Only】 5.71 MB DOWNLOAD
2D Drawing
GRA-423 RACK 2D DIME. (for APS-7050/7100/7000E)
2D Drawing version., 【Member Only】 1013 kB DOWNLOAD
APS-7200/7300 firmware upgrade program and procedure
Firmware version1.17., 【Member Only】 4.21 MB DOWNLOAD
2D Drawing
GRA-430 RACK 2D DIME. (for APS-7300)
2D Drawing version., 【Member Only】 242 KB DOWNLOAD
APS-7050/7100 firmware upgrade program and procedure
Firmware version3.09., 【Member Only】 4.50 MB DOWNLOAD
LabVIEW Driver
The LabVIEW Driver of APS-7000, for LabView 2009 version.
LabVIEW Driver version1.0.2., 773 KB DOWNLOAD
3D Model
APS-7100 Step file
3D Model version., 【Member Only】 2.16 MB DOWNLOAD
3D Model
APS-7050 Step file
3D Model version., 【Member Only】 1.99 MB DOWNLOAD
The brochure of APS-7000 Series
Brochure versionE.,EN 2.90 MB DOWNLOAD
Programming Manual
The Programming Manual of APS-7000 Series
Programming Manual versionF.,EN 3.42 MB DOWNLOAD
LabVIEW Driver
The LabVIEW Driver (7.1) of APS-7000
LabVIEW Driver version1.,EN 723.2 KB DOWNLOAD
LabVIEW Driver
The LabVIEW Driver (8.0) of APS-7000
LabVIEW Driver version1.,EN 857.1 KB DOWNLOAD
USB Driver
The USB Driver of APS-7000
USB Driver version1.,EN 5.4 KB DOWNLOAD
PC Software
APS-7000 PC Software. (With .net framwork) Installed NI-VISA and dotNetFx40 are essential before executing APS-7000.
PC Software version1.1.6.,EN 46.95 MB DOWNLOAD
PC Software
APS-7000 PC Software. Installed NI-VISA and dotNetFx40 are essential before executing APS-7000.
PC Software version1.1.6.,EN 3.65 MB DOWNLOAD