可程式 交流 電源供應器 (線性式) APS-7000 系列 
  • 4.3-inch TFT-LCD
  • 低漣波雜訊特性
  • 支援交流小電流量測 2mA ~ 35A, 最小解析度 0.01mA(APS- 7050& APS-7100)
  • 反饋電流警示功能
  • 10組Sequence function允許編輯輸出波形/ 10組simulate mode快速模擬電源暫態/ 10組Program mode自訂量測順序/ 10組面板記憶功能
  • 支援開機自動執行Sequence、Simulate、Program mode及輸出功能
  • 標準界面: LAN, USB Host, USB Device (僅APS-7200與APS-7300機種適用)
  • 選配界面: GPIB (APS-001);RS-232 / USB CDC(選配:APS-002:APS-7050/APS-7051與APS-7100/APS-7101適用), RS-232(選配:APS-007:APS-7200與APS-7300適用)

固緯電子全新推出APS-7000交流電源供應器,包含500VA的APS-7050/7051, 1000VA的APS-7100/7101, 2000VA的APS-7200和3000VA的APS-7300。其線性架構設計的電源特性,包含低雜訊、低THD、高穩定性的電源輸出。適用於低雜訊輸入電源需求的產品研發及驗証或音響、影音裝置等應用。額定最大工作電壓範圍為0~ 1000Vrms, 工作電流25.2A及 100.8A 的峰值電流,輸出頻率為45~500Hz。而輸出電壓0~600Vrms 及輸出頻率45~1000Hz可透過選配方式於用戶端直接擴充,無需回廠修改。

目前市場上常見的替代能源方案,利用逆變器(Inverter )將直流電轉成交流電,回饋電力電網或用電產品。例如: 利用太陽能逆變器(PV Inverter)所產生的交流電,回饋到電力電網或提供電力給用電設備。APS-7000特有的吸收逆向電流特性,模擬電網驗証逆變器並網測試時,不像一般交流電源供應器無法承受待測物的回饋能量,需要另外搭配消耗功率的電阻來避免損壞交流電源供應器。APS-7000的輸入端與輸出模擬交流電網採用隔離設計結構,因此不需要另外安裝隔離裝置就可以避免損壞待測裝置。APS-7000適用於模擬電力電網,進行逆變器輸出特性測試,包含相位、頻率同步。APS-7000所偵測到回饋電流及功率會於面板量測端,紅色讀值顯示待測物的回饋能量,以利使用者測試觀察。APS-7000可利用Simulate mode, Sequence mode 提供單步或連續的電源變動,模擬電網電壓異常測試(Voltage Abnormality Test)、電網頻率異常測試(Frequency Abnormality Test)。


APS-7000系列在量測功能上共有9項(Vrms、Irms、F、Ipk、W、VA、PF、Ipk hold、CF)量測項目,並提供近似AC Power Meter操作介面,適用LED產業或待機功耗量測。在ARB 模式下,APS-7000系列提供SINE waveform、Triangle waveform、Staircase waveform、Clipped Sinewave、Crest factor waveform、Surge waveform及Fourier series七大類近兩萬種組合波形,能滿足各產業在模擬輸入電源異常波形的測試。10組Preset設定,可供使用者儲存十組設定值;Power ON Output設定允許Sequence、Simulate及Program在開機後自動執行輸出。

為了滿足消費性電子產品常見的輸入電源變動的測試條件,APS-7000系列提供五種方式因應特殊或異常的電壓、頻率、相位變化,10組Simulate模擬電源中斷、電壓增加或電壓減少行為;10組Sequence供使用者自訂參數,透過steps編輯產生正弦波;10組Program用於編輯交流波形輸出,同時可針對不同DUT自定量測項目之上/下限;Ramp Control允許使用者設定輸出電壓上升及下降的變化速度;Surge/Dip Control可模擬DUT之輸入電源在特定時間下產生一個Surge或Dip電壓疊加在輸出電壓波形。在大電流輸出應用上,為避免大電流通過負載連接線所造成的電壓壓降,APS-7200&7300另外提供了remote sense功能,可以將待測物端電壓回授到 APS-7200/7300,並由APS-7200/7300程控補償。所以APS-7200/7300可避免負載線上的壓降影響輸出電壓。


APS-7000系列後背板Ethernet Port可做遠距離程控、Sync Output Socket提供外部同步使用的10V輸出電壓、Signal Output connector提供Program執行結果的監測。APS-7000系列同時也提供Trigger In/Out和Output on/off遠端控制功能,在後背板J1 connector上提供客戶運用。

01 gw_product_detail_bar.png Simulated Mode

This mode can rapidly produce different simulated input transient waveforms such as power outage; voltage rise and voltage fall etc. for engineers to evaluate the impact on DUT posed by the transient phenomena. For instance, capacitor endurance test.

  • Power Outage
  • Voltage Rise
  • Voltage Fall
02 gw_product_detail_bar.png Program Mode

This mode allows users to set ceiling and floor specifications to produce PASS/FAIL result after the measurement is done. It can also show test results for each test procedure or only show the last result. There are ten sets of Program mode and each set has 50 sets of memories. Each memory comprises 9 steps. Each Program will perform according to memories sequence, self-defined loops or designated steps to stop.

Program Mode

03 gw_product_detail_bar.png Function Waveform (ARB ) Mode

Provide waveforms in seven categories and 20,000 waveform combinations so as to rapidly simulate distorted AC voltage waveforms.


Sine waveform

Sine waveform
Standard AC Waveform


Triangle waveform

Triangle waveform
Power harmonic output simulation is triangle waveform


Staircase waveform

Staircase waveform
Simulate square waveform and staircase waveform for commercial UPS


Clipped sinewave

Clipped sinewave
Simulate grid power supply heavy load waveform


Crest factor waveform

Crest factor waveform
Simulate rectified filter current waveform by capacitor input


Surge waveform

Surge waveform
Simulate grid power supply’s peak over-voltage


Fourier series synthesized waveform

Fourier series synthesized waveform
Simulate real output power waveform. Distorted power waveform is produced due to output impedance and non-linear effect such as inductance, capacitance, and parasitic capacitance effect. For example: motor.



04 gw_product_detail_bar.png Surge/Dip Control

Overlapping a Surge/Dip voltage on a normal voltage as the input power for DUT allows users to simulate Surge/Dip situation and evaluate DUT characteristics.


05 gw_product_detail_bar.png T Ipeak, hold function

T, Ipk Hold sets delay time (1ms~60 seconds) for measurement after the output of Ipeak value and the maximum value will be retrieved. Update will be preceded only if measured value is greater than the original value. Ipk Hold is for measuring transient inrush current as soon as the equipment power is on that is usually done by oscilloscope and current probe. T, Ipk Hold delay time setting can be applied to measure inrush current of sequentially activated DUT.

Ipeak Measurement

06 gw_product_detail_bar.png Control Panel Characteristics
There are two control panel modes: Standard mode and Simple mode. Both modes are shown as below. Standard mode combines settings and AC Power Meter measurement window display. Users apply Function key (F1~F3) to select required measurement items. There are nine items for selection. Simple mode shows all measurement items on the display.
 19  20
 Standard Mode Simple Mode 
光碟片(手冊, 程序控制手冊) x 1
電源線 UL/CSA (APS-7050) x 1
電源線 PSE (APS-7050) x 1
電源線 UL/CSA (APS-7100) x 1
電源線 PSE (APS-7100) x 1
Mains terminal cover set (APS-7050) 
Mains terminal cover set (APS-7100)
測試線: 1x紅, 1x黑
APS-001 GPIB介面卡
APS-002 RS-232 / USB介面
APS-003 輸出電壓容量(0~600Vrms)
APS-004 輸出頻率能力(45~1000Hz)
APS-007 RS232介面卡(APS-7200、APS-7300)
GRA-423 APS-7000機架組
GRA-429 APS-7200機架組
GRA-430 APS-7300機架組
APS-7051 可程式線性交流電源(500VA)
APS-7051 可程式線性交流電源(500VA) 如何購買
APS-7101 可程式線性交流電源(1kVA)
APS-7101 可程式線性交流電源(1kVA) 如何購買
APS-7050 可程式線性交流電源(500VA)
APS-7050 可程式線性交流電源(500VA) 如何購買
APS-7100 可程式線性交流電源(1kVA)
APS-7100 可程式線性交流電源(1kVA) 如何購買
APS-7200 可程式線性交流電源(2kVA)
APS-7200 可程式線性交流電源(2kVA) 如何購買
APS-7300 可程式線性交流電源(3kVA)
APS-7300 可程式線性交流電源(3kVA) 如何購買
APS-001 GPIB介面卡
APS-001 GPIB介面卡 如何購買
APS-002 RS-232/USB介面卡
APS-002 RS-232/USB介面卡 如何購買
APS-003 輸出電壓容量(0~600Vrms)
APS-003 輸出電壓容量(0~600Vrms) 如何購買
APS-004 輸出頻率容量(45~999.9Hz)
APS-004 輸出頻率容量(45~999.9Hz) 如何購買
GRA-423 APS-7000機架組
GRA-423 APS-7000機架組 如何購買
User Manual
The user manual of APS-7000 Series
User Manual 版本M.,EN 8.52 MB 下載
Assembly Manual
The Rack Adapter assembly manual of GRA-430 (for APS-7300)
Assembly Manual 版本.,EN 1.52 MB 下載
Assembly Manual
The Rack Adapter assembly manual of GRA-429 (for APS-7200)
Assembly Manual 版本.,EN 1.50 MB 下載
Assembly Manual
The Rack Adapter assembly manual of GRA-423 (for APS-7050/7100/7000E)
Assembly Manual 版本.,EN 298 KB 下載


白皮書 版本.,TW 【會員限定】 3.03 MB 下載
3D Model
GRA-429 RACK 3D DIME. (for APS-7200)
3D Model 版本., 【會員限定】 4.25 MB 下載
3D Model
GRA-430 RACK 3D DIME. (for APS-7300)
3D Model 版本., 【會員限定】 4.32 MB 下載
2D Drawing
GRA-429 RACK 2D DIME. (for APS-7200)
2D Drawing 版本., 【會員限定】 799 kB 下載
3D Model
GRA-423 RACK 3D DIME. (for APS-7050/7100/7000E)
3D Model 版本., 【會員限定】 5.71 MB 下載
2D Drawing
GRA-423 RACK 2D DIME. (for APS-7050/7100/7000E)
2D Drawing 版本., 【會員限定】 1013 kB 下載
APS-7200/7300 firmware upgrade program and procedure
Firmware 版本1.17., 【會員限定】 4.21 MB 下載
2D Drawing
GRA-430 RACK 2D DIME. (for APS-7300)
2D Drawing 版本., 【會員限定】 242 KB 下載
APS-7050/7100 firmware upgrade program and procedure
Firmware 版本3.09., 【會員限定】 4.50 MB 下載
LabVIEW Driver
The LabVIEW Driver of APS-7000, for LabView 2009 version.
LabVIEW Driver 版本1.0.2., 773 KB 下載
3D Model
APS-7100 Step file
3D Model 版本., 【會員限定】 2.16 MB 下載
3D Model
APS-7050 Step file
3D Model 版本., 【會員限定】 1.99 MB 下載
The brochure of APS-7000 Series
Brochure 版本E.,EN 2.90 MB 下載
Programming Manual
The Programming Manual of APS-7000 Series
Programming Manual 版本F.,EN 3.42 MB 下載
LabVIEW Driver
The LabVIEW Driver (7.1) of APS-7000
LabVIEW Driver 版本1.,EN 723.2 KB 下載
LabVIEW Driver
The LabVIEW Driver (8.0) of APS-7000
LabVIEW Driver 版本1.,EN 857.1 KB 下載
USB Driver
The USB Driver of APS-7000
USB Driver 版本1.,EN 5.4 KB 下載
PC Software
APS-7000 PC Software. (With .net framwork) Installed NI-VISA and dotNetFx40 are essential before executing APS-7000.
PC Software 版本1.1.6.,EN 46.95 MB 下載
PC Software
APS-7000 PC Software. Installed NI-VISA and dotNetFx40 are essential before executing APS-7000.
PC Software 版本1.1.6.,EN 3.65 MB 下載