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Q1 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png For analog oscilloscope, some got CH1 signal output, and some have Trigger signal output, are both same meaning?

From following picture you can find there are totally different signal. CH1 signal output will be same with CH input signal, and Trigger signal output will be like pulse signal.

Q2 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png In a workshop environment with mostly artificial lighting, the cursor display text is reasonably legible. However ... in a room with more ambient light, the cursor readout can be too faint to read (and please note that there is no direct sunlight on the u

Most of analog (CRT) oscilloscope under the strong light environment usually its result of shown not very good, certainly this includes our GOS-6031 too.


In order to solve the issue, we offer the following solution as below;


1. Adjust the trace intensity in the front panel
2. Adjust the readout intensity in the front panel


The pushbutton is for selecting the text readout intensity function or scale illumination function, and indicates the letter “TEXT” or “ILLUM” in the readout. Press the pushbutton for the following sequences:


 “TEXT” --> “ILLUM” --> “TEXT” (Step 1)


The TEXT/ILLUM function are associated the VARIABLE(Step 2) control knob. Turning the knob clockwise to increase the text intensity or scale illumination, while turning the knob counterclockwise to decrease it.


If the methods of the above are all unable to reach the anticipated, we think perhaps 50MHz model will be a good choice too, because the luminance of CRT is sure to batter than 30MHz

Q3 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png What is main feature of Freewave?

Users can remotely observe signals; retrieve waveform data and direct tests via Freeware. Image file (.gif/.png/.bmp/.jpg/.tif) or waveform information (.csv) can be selected for log format. In the meantime, long memory information retrieving for GDS-1000A-U and GDS-2000A can also be achieved by using the software.

Q4 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png What will the requirement of computer configuration to run Freewave?

Freewave software is available to operate on XP ,Vista ,Windows 7 and Windows 8’s PC.
For XP ,Vista and Windows 7’s PC ,please install Freewave V3.21 ;
For Windows 7 or Window8’s PC ,please install Freewave V3.22 or later.


Required software for Freeewave V3.21
• Microsoft. Net Framework full version 4.0 or later.
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package(x86)

Required software for Freeewave V3.22
• Microsoft. Net Framework full version 4.5 or later (for Windows 7 only)
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package(x86)
(Note The NET 4.5 is built-in in the Windows 8, so user doesn’t need to install again.)

Q5 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png How it is defined between Real-Time and Equivalent-Time?

The frequency bandwidth of digital oscilloscope differs with sampling method. There are two type of sampling methods: Real-Time Sampling (RTS) and Equivalent-Time Sampling (ETS). The sampling method which the oscilloscope obtains as many samples as possible from one triggered acquisition is called the Real-Time Sampling method. The real-time sampling method is targeted at observing single-shot waveforms, which appear only once. A waveform is sampled at a constant rate, and the results are stored in memory & displayed on the LCD screen. The equivalent time sampling method is used for observing repetitive waveforms. This method stores a repetitive signal ample-by-sample in memory based on different trigger points and displays the signal after reconstructing the original waveform. This method achieves results equivalent to waveforms digitalized at a higher frequency than the maximum sampling frequency using the real-time sampling method, thus achieving a larger frequency bandwidth which is limited by the analog circuit.

Q6 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png The accuracy does not match the specification.

Make sure the device is powered on for at least 30 minutes, within +20℃ ~ +30℃. This is necessary to stabilize the unit to match the specification.

Q7 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png The saved display image is too dark on the background.

Use the INKSAVER function which reverses the background color. For details, please refer our user manual.

Q8 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png I want to clean up the cluttered panel settings.

Recall the default setting by press Save /Recall key for default setting. For default setting contents please refer our user manual for details.

Q9 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png AUTOSET function does not catch the signal well.

AUTOSET function can not catch signals under 30mV or 30Hz.Please use the manual operation. Please refer our user manual page 40 for AUTOSET details.

Q10 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png The waveform does not update(frozen).

Press the Run/Stop key to unfreeze the waveform. Please refer user manual for details. If this does not help, the trigger mode might be set to single. Press the single trigger key again. Please refer our user manual for trigger setting details.

Q11 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png I want to remove some contents from the display.

To clear automatic measurement result, press the Measure key twice, then press indication(off).Please refer our user manual page 45 for details. To clear FFT result, press the Math key twice. Please refer our user manual page 50 for details. To clear HELP result, press the HELP key again. Please refer our user manual for details.

Q12 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png The oscilloscope accuracy does not match the specifications.

Make sure the oscilloscope is powered on for at least 30 minutes, within +20℃ ~ -30℃. This is necessary to stabilize the oscilloscope.
