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Q1 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png What is the RS232 configuration for GOM-802?

The GOM-802 RS232 configuration as below:

RS-232 configuration Connector DB-9, Male
  Baud rate 9600 (default)
  Data bit 8
  Parity None
  Stop bit 1
  Flow control None
Q2 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png What is the message terminator for GOM-802?

The GOM-802 accepts the following as the message terminator whilst giving a command.

RS-232 Message terminator LF Line feed code
GPIB Message terminators LF^END Line feed code (hexadecimal 0A) with END message
  LF Line feed code
  <dab>^END Last data byte with END message
Q3 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png Does any require for RS232 cable whilst connecting with GOM-802?

Yes, you need to use the Null Modem cable which the transmit (TxD) and receive (RxD) lines are cross-linked.
