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Q1 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png The display response to the waveform change is unusually slow.
  • Slow response is normal in the following cases. Average sampling mode is being selected (Please refer our user manual page22)
  • Display persistence is being selected (Please refer our user manual page36)
Q2 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png It takes 30 to 40 seconds for the multimeter to update the capacitor measurement.

It takes longer time to measure small capacitors. 30 to 40 seconds are normal for measuring 5nF or smaller capacitors. See page93 for capacitance measurement details.

Q3 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png The waveform does not appear at all in the display.

The trigger level might be out of the waveform range. Press the AUTOSET key so that the GDS-122 automatically adjusts the trigger level.
If the trigger mode is Single, press the RUN/STOP key to trigger the waveform or switch the trigger mode to Normal. See page30 for trigger details.

Q4 gw_product_detail_bar.png gw_product_detail_bar.png The waveform appears in the display but is not stable.

Configuring the trigger might help you. Please refer user manual page30 for details.
Make sure the trigger source channel matches the input signal.
Make sure the correct trigger type, edge or video, is selected.
Try changing the HF and LF repression in the trigger coupling mode and filtering out high or low frequency noise.
