Applications and Solutions

Solar power has been regarded as the trend of renewable energy sources technology ever since the pressing energy saving demands. A sound solar cell design can effectively absorb light emitting by the Sun and then produces voltage and current.;An important assessment factor of solar cells is the capabilities, including operational life cycle and outdoor tolerance to expose the module to the normal environment. IEC61215, IEC61646 and UL1703 are test regulations for the characteristics of solar cell modules to ensure the materials can sustain the severe outdoor environment in a long run and to reduce the chances of damage.

Thermal cycling TC200 of UL1703-35 or EC61215/IEC61646 can verify the stability of solar modules under different temperature variations by identifying temperature variations caused malfunctions such as reducing output power; open circuit or insulation problem. It is a tedious job to set temperature cycling variations and corresponding voltage outputs for the temperature cycling test. The Test Script of PSW saves the day by directly editing Excel file and uploading the edited file to PSW so as to quickly and easily run the test sequence. PSW can also collocate with CT/CH chamber to significantly simplify the complicated CT/CH chamber settings. Editing Test Script by Excel does not require any other software and it also allows PSW series to easily output complex sequential power outputs to satisfy the test requirements of aging test, automotive electronics, and electronic components, etc.


Download Utilize power supplies with the Test Script function to realize IEC 61215, IEC61646 or UL1703-35 Temperature cycling test